Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting Rid of the Fat and Still Eating Out

I love to eat. Always have and probably always will. Unfortunately as I aged, my body produced less of the HGH that was keeping me skinny and I got fat. It took until I was waddling around at 300 lbs that I realized that this was where I'd stay as long as my lunch consisted or a Whopper (usually double with cheese), Large Fries, and a Big Fish sandwich - usually with a piece of pie...and a diet soda. The health consequences are known to most obese men - high blood pressure requiring medication, low testosterone production (due to high body fat to muscle ratio), ED (not that you have the energy for it anyway). The list goes on and on. The list is similar for women.

Here are some quick facts:

-- Between 1962 and the year 2000, the number of obese Americans grew
from 13% to an alarming 31% of the population.

-- 63% of Americans are overweight with a Body Mass Index (BMI) in excess
of 25.0.

-- 31% are obese with a BMI in excess of 30.0.

-- Childhood obesity in the United States has more than tripled in the
past two decades.

-- According to the U.S. Surgeon General report obesity is responsible
for 300,000 deaths every year.

Thus began a journey to drop the fat. I don't refer to it as weight loss since I want to minimize lean tissue loss and maximize fat loss. Not always easy. But thats another post entirely - this is about being able to eat at a good restaurant and still stay on track.

When you go to a restaurant, NEVER go on an empty stomach. This isn't as hard as it sounds. You're (I hope) eating six small meals every day, right? So you're about 3 hours since eating. Now eat an apple right before you go in. This starts sending signals to the brain that you're getting some food. Ask the server to NOT bring bread to the table (super high glycemic and processed...and 300+ calories each). Make intelligent choices - baked, grilled, poached - more toward bison, turkey, chicken and fish. Less toward beef and pork. Ask the server to please only bring half of your order to the table and put other half in a to go box. Next have a salad, preferably with a low fat vinagrette on it. If the bring the sald to the table for you ask for the dressing on the side and use only what you want on there. I prefer just balsamic vinegar - but that's just me.

What about buffets? I love the Golden Corral just down the road from us. So how do I manage to eat there at least twice a week at lunch? Easy.

I start with a salad and fruit. Next i go to the carving station for some turkey breast, get some collard greans, brocolli, maybe some pinto beans and 2 sweet potatoe halves. Plate 2 is steamed cabbage, brussel sprouts and maybe green beans. Desert is fruit. I do this on workout days about 3 hours before I go to the gym. Lots of protien and complex carbs.

Last type of restaurant is fast food. Yep, I had lunch at Truett's (Chik-Fil-A) today. Had the grilled chicken sandwich on the whole grain bread they use for the chicken salad sandwich (around 300 cals with 28 g of protien). The McD Asian Salad with the Grilled Chicken is tasty and low cal(aprox 300 cal) as well. Don't be fooled though. Some of the new 'healthy' or 'deli' choices at some fast food places are no bargain. They may be way high in fat, sugar and calories. Cheese is a big culprit and can add 100 or more calories to the item right away. Avoid the fries, fried stuff and the cheese. Look at the menu items nutritional value online before you go and don't hesitate to ask for a change in bread type, cheese on the sideand other choices - its your money they want after all.

Eat healthy, exercise and move around, drink water more and watch the fat decide its time to go elsewhere.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Seminars and the Added Benefits

About a year ago, a participant in a corporate workshop asked me if I ever did seminars for smaller, private groups. At that time we did not and I told him that we were only doing seminars for known clients (usually with the ability to pay for someone to come on site). He asked me to consider doing a shortened, one day weekend seminar for him and some friends on Lucid Dreaming. I promised to get back to him.

Over the next few weeks, I worked out the details with the others in Atlanta and we presented a proposal to him. He accepted and I planned to stay over one weekend in Chicago.

The seminar kicked off Saturday morning at 9 and we had two great sessions. The host had the hotel bring in a bunch of cots around 5 PM because they wanted to try a WILD session during the seminar. Of the 15 participants attending, 10 had Lucid Dreams, 3 fell asleep (they admitted to being worn out), and the other two said they felt odd in a group setting.

That seminar kicked off a series of weekend, one day seminars that have been designed to make it easy for our non-corporate clients to bring a professional to you affordably. In addition to Lucid Dreaming, we are also teaching the course on Creating Your Own Brainwave Entrainment and Subliminal Programs with Open-source Tools and the newest addition - grew from noticing a large number of people, women especially, that I would come in contact with who would place themselves in a much lower professional position that they were qualified for. College graduates, some with advanced degrees who were essentially clerks - because that was what they applied for.

This seminar is a tough, no holds barred trip into resume preparation, self marketing in a jammed up, online world; interview strategies and tactics to use and inside tricks that come from being on both sides of the table. Get noticed and get hired or promoted. We've presented this 5 times and had incredible sucess with participants moving up within their companies and in getting new jobs they never dreamed of going for.

They are designed for 20 participants and more can be accommodated. Get in touch with our sales team at for a full proposal of what is involved. Just put the word Seminar in the subject line for fastest routing.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

GABA and REALLY Vidid Lucid Dreams

Recently I had a client ask me about some problems he was having inducing WILD (Waking Induced Lucid Dreams) sessions. His main problem was transitioning from the awake into twilight state while remaining cognizant of himself and not falling to sleep. Getting to theta was no problem since he was an experienced meditator and could enter his trance easily with or without brainwave entrainment.

His problem was fairly common with today's lifestyle; he couldn't turn it off and quiet the mind enough to make the transition smoothly into dreams without being totally unconscious.

I suggested he try a bodybuilder's supplement called GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid). Bodybuilders will take it right before bed to increase and prolong the 'pump' from their workouts. It also helps quiet the mind and aids sleep. I buy it in bulk by the kilogram and use about 5 grams each night. A side effect is REALLY kicking your dreams into high gear. GABA has one other side effect that I know of - a few minutes after you take it it, you'll get really tingly all over - like when your foot goes to sleep and the circulation is just come back to it. Goes away after a few minutes. As always check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

He tried it with a WILD session before bed the next evening and said he had no trouble slipping ing into the dream state but was so startled by it that he woke himself up. Next evening he said he had one of the best LDs ever!

Check out Super Lucid Dreaming on our website for more info.

That's all for now.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Let's Get Started

Several people asked me this week why was I going to start a blog? Its not that I don't have enough to do as it is. I guess there are a number of reasons. First among them would be to post my views and discuss subjects that might be completely off topic for most of the news groups I participate in. Although I may still drop the occasional marketing post in them, most of our specials will be advertised here and non-readers will miss out. I will endure less hate mail from those who are worried that I am sullying the purity of their newsgroup with marketing.

What can you expect here? A little of everything but mostly subjects concerning subliminal suggestions, brainwave entrainment, lucid dreaming and other technologies that help us get more from our bodies and minds.

I'm basically conservative. I have worked all of my adult life, was raised to take responsibility for my action and raised my kids that way. I have little sympathy for for those who can but won't work and want me to support them (unless the are my children) with my tax dollars.

I understand that sometimes life sucks. I've always told my kids that 75% of being a grown-up sucks. You can watch TV all night but still have to be at work at 7 AM. You can spend all your paycheck on a big entertainment system but if you can pay the power bill you'll be sitting in the dark. But the other 25% of being a grownup makes it all worthwhile. That said, I have little patience when people arrive with their life in a total trainwreck, ask for help and then get offended when I explain to them what will correct the problems. If you are overweight then exercise and eat right - takes care of 85+% of overweight. We publish numerous subliminals designed to make it easier but just listening to a CD wan't solve it. You still have to move the weight and throw out the corn chips and burn more calories than you take in. And the CD doesn't do any good if you don't listen to it. Don't let me get started.

So why a blog? I guess a place to let you guys know whats happening with me and RCP Consultinig and to give you some insight into me and my views. A lot is going on and will be going on in the next few months - stay tuned and you'll hear about it.