Friday, August 15, 2008

Let's Get Started

Several people asked me this week why was I going to start a blog? Its not that I don't have enough to do as it is. I guess there are a number of reasons. First among them would be to post my views and discuss subjects that might be completely off topic for most of the news groups I participate in. Although I may still drop the occasional marketing post in them, most of our specials will be advertised here and non-readers will miss out. I will endure less hate mail from those who are worried that I am sullying the purity of their newsgroup with marketing.

What can you expect here? A little of everything but mostly subjects concerning subliminal suggestions, brainwave entrainment, lucid dreaming and other technologies that help us get more from our bodies and minds.

I'm basically conservative. I have worked all of my adult life, was raised to take responsibility for my action and raised my kids that way. I have little sympathy for for those who can but won't work and want me to support them (unless the are my children) with my tax dollars.

I understand that sometimes life sucks. I've always told my kids that 75% of being a grown-up sucks. You can watch TV all night but still have to be at work at 7 AM. You can spend all your paycheck on a big entertainment system but if you can pay the power bill you'll be sitting in the dark. But the other 25% of being a grownup makes it all worthwhile. That said, I have little patience when people arrive with their life in a total trainwreck, ask for help and then get offended when I explain to them what will correct the problems. If you are overweight then exercise and eat right - takes care of 85+% of overweight. We publish numerous subliminals designed to make it easier but just listening to a CD wan't solve it. You still have to move the weight and throw out the corn chips and burn more calories than you take in. And the CD doesn't do any good if you don't listen to it. Don't let me get started.

So why a blog? I guess a place to let you guys know whats happening with me and RCP Consultinig and to give you some insight into me and my views. A lot is going on and will be going on in the next few months - stay tuned and you'll hear about it.