Monday, September 22, 2008

Really, Really, REALLY GROSS!!!!

Last night I came up during a break in a staff teleconference and my wife yelled at me to come quick and look on TV. One of the discovery type networks had a show on about some people that were (no kidding) over 700 lbs! I told her to Tivo it and we'd be wrapping up in around 30 mins.

I came back upstairs and we settled in to the story of four extremely (beyond morbidly) obese people. Sad stories but as we watched, a number of points began to drill home.

First and foremost - they had been told and truly believed that they were not at fault. This is PC psychobabble BS! Just like outcome based education, Student of the Month (where you just have to show up), sports where no score is kept and other 'feel good', plastic self-esteem programs. When you continually shovel in excess of 10,000 calories per day of high fat, fried stuff in your mouth every day --- YOU GET FAT!

The first was a black man in Harlem. He weighed in at over 700 pounds! I think his daily intake was in the 14,000 calories per day range. Bedridden - can't get out of bed (later found out to everyone's surprise that he could get up to get to the food).

The second was a man in the UK. Over 700 lbs, hadn't walked in 10 years, even to the bathroom(UGGGH!). This guy looks like Jaba the Hutt from Star Wars. Has eaten up to 33,000 calories in a day. 32 chocolate bars, bags of chips (4 pounds of fat) ... was makiing me sick to envision.

Third was a woman in the UK. Around 500 lbs and 'unhappy' about her weight, knew it would kill her, tried all sorts of diets, you know the drill.

Last was another woman in North Carolina who was over 500 pounds and could barely walk to the kitchen.

The second point and common to all of them was they had enablers. The first man had momma, grandma and sister doing shifts cooking for him. The UK hired a caretaker for Jaba who kept him well stuffed, the UK woman could still work and called in lots of take out and the NC woman forced her 19 year old son to shop for her. The enablers were as bad about ratonalizing as the fat people. Momma and grandma said the guy in Harlem would just call on his cell phone and order food if they didn't cook it. NOT IF YOU TAKE AWAY HIS CELL PHONE AND VISA CARD! He's not walking downstairs to get it. The NC woman's son said he knew the stuff was bad for her but it made her 'happy' and he wanted that. (Neither looked like the brightest bulbs in the box. Why can't the media find anyone of at least moderate intelligence in the South.)

The enablers created the third point - they all kept JUNK in the house. No one had anything green, red (except spaghetti sause), orange , etc on the plates - all white and fried stuff - dripping with fat. Cookies, chips, candy. The NC woman had a whole bag of M&Ms every night. Plates of cookies, bags of chips - someone had to buy Jaba's 32 daily candy bars.

Then we got to the fact where i almost needed to duct tape my head to keep it from exploding! Each one's food bill was over $500 a day!!!!! $3500 per week and $182000 per year! How do they do it?? Easy - you and I buy it for them. These guys are working the system. Harlem guy is on welfare (no job) - disability (can't get out and work) - momma and grandma and sister are on welfare each since they have be primary caregivers to the disabled fat man. UK is more of the same. So is NC.

The final point were the doctors that were continually talking about the 'addiction' to food they all had, how they might have the obesity gene, or this or that. Simply put - its not their fault - they can't help it. Simply solved - quit shoveling enough food for 2 weeks (literally in Jaba's case one one in Harlem guys case) down you face every day. 3 big meals and all the raw brocolli and cauliflower you want. Constipation won't be a problem, for sure!

They were also all still gaining weight. NC woman - 2 to 3 pounds a day. Jaba was, of course, eating up to 33,000 cals/day and gaining 5 to 6. Since it was just their basal metabolic rate burning calories they needed about 12 days to burn off each days intake.

A few years ago, I tipped the scalles at roughly 300 lbs. I'm 6' 5" but 300 lbs is fat. Doctor was putting me on new high blood pressure meds, diagnosed with low serum testosterone and a lot of things I loved to do were just too much work. Final straw was my doctor giving me a blood glucose meter so I could check my blood suger 'just in case'. I've seen diabetes and wanted no part of that.

I wasn't always 300 lbs. As a kid I had trouble gaining weight and was skinny as a rail. Played sports all through school and got into martial arts at 9 years old. At 30 I ran a 5 mile interval training course in the morning and evening and played in 3 competitive raquetball leagues. But after 25, I needed the exercise to stay at around 200 and eat what i wanted to.

At 32, I got married and moved from Texas to the deep South. Demands of family ate into exercise time and Southern food helped me eat myself into progressively larger pants. I found myself 20 years later with an extra 100 lbs that I needed to lose.

I realized I was in bad shape and to hop into a gym was a recipe for failure. So I began to walk. First 30 mins then an hour then and hour twice a day. Gone were the 2 Whopper and King size fries lunches, the eggs, sausage, grits and pancake breakfasts, replaced with high protien meal replacement shakes.

I'm now in the gym, working with a trainer off and on, several times each week. I eat right (six meals/day), experiment with a few nutritional supplements (not stimulants but aminos, herbs and such), see what works and make most of what I take myself using bulk supplies (way cheaper and more effective).

Many of us are faced with being overweight and the associated health problems (and shortened life expectancy). Motivation to change is hard to find. The conscious mind has spent years accepting the overeating and reinforced the belief its OK through the pleasure derived. Massive Weight Loss includes a subliminal program that overcomes the negative behavior beliefs and installs a set of healthier choices that make motivation easy. The whole package contains 6 programs (11 tracks) of high powered subliminals and I guide to help you on the journey. As a bonus - through Oct. 15 only and only offered on this blog - I am offering six months free email consultation and support for your weight loss journey. Ask questions, share experiences and get periodic emails on special items I feel would be of interest such as what supplements seem to work and where to order supplies to save big $. You didn't get overweight overnight and you need someone to guide you on the path back.

Check this out and get on with it. I was hugely overweight - It was my fault and I did something about it. If you are overweight then this offer will beat out the diets and pills by a long shot.