Well, after the bailout I got hugely busy with things here and have been literally too busy to put anything down this month. Lots of air miles and 3 weekend seminars just about did me in. Get to to vote on day two weeks ago so at least that was out of the way.
Today we vote and the talking heads will lets us know who they think (or hope) will occupy the oval office for at least the next 4 years. I'm not ashamed to say I hope its McCain and Obama. All worry about putting someone with no executive experience in that position aside, I'm just not a socialist and Obama is. 'Spreading the Wealth' is a socialist's way of saying th the government is going to take a larger chunk of your paycheck that you worked for and give it to someone who doesn't work so he doesn't have to. We know how well its worked everywhere its been tried - but Obama wants to spread it accross the world.
He also wants to bankrupt the coal industry and the power companies with coal fired (almost all) power plants with unreal taxes. Guess who gets to pay with skyrocketing power bills? Yep - you and me.
If Obama gets in I really hope all those who voted for him can explain why. I hope its not what I've heard so far...'he's black', He's good looking' and 'he's a snappy dresser'. My brain hurts.
We'll see.